We welcome individuals and groups to participate in our organization! Sign up on the Volunteer Form.
Come on out…and bring your friends!
Volunteers are primarily needed to act in sets and SCARE the public! There are many other positions needed as well – including security, safety, make up, sales, and cleanup. All of our volunteers work to design, build, and put away the show for next year.
Each volunteer is encouraged to name a charity of their choice – and many support their own activities in charitable organizations. Contributions are based on the profitability of the show and overall volunteer hours.
Funds are received by the organization that volunteers choose and our Board works with
those organizations to ensure that they are received.
We complete background checks and safety training for all volunteers. We also have on site care staff and law enforcement. We have designated security throughout the show and grounds to monitor patrons and ensure the safety of the actors.
We ask that organizations provide a point of contact, mailing adress, non-profit data, and a coordinator for groups of volunteers. We also ask that youth organizations have adults working directly with their youth during times of service.
We ask that volunteers and actors arrive 1-2 hours before show time to either get in costume and make up or assist with opening. Designated parking is provided for volunteers. We provide a meal in the cast tent for volunteers and have additional food service on site. Actors will be in sets with support from the Director and staff, and will be escorted to and from for any needs including bathroom breaks by designated staff runners. Security officers are stationed throughout the show and can assist actors as well.